
Showing posts from January, 2019

What's Gonna Work?

As a child my favorite parts of flying on an airplane were the takeoff the landing, and the Biscoff cookies.. The sense of exploration that came from leaving home and traveling somewhere new always exhilarated me. To this day it amazes me that something so massive is able to fly millions of people wherever they need to be each day. This would never work without the people behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly. Not only the pilots, but the air traffic controllers, flight attendants, bag checkers, security guards, and many more people work very hard to make it all work. The result of all of these people working together is the ability for us to soar through the air thousands of feet above the ground and go virtually anywhere we desire. This sense of teamwork and efficiency can be seen all around us, even in something as simple as a local restaurant. If it looks like someone is in need of help don't be afraid to offer your aid to them, as more often than not it wil...

Find Your Inner Motorboat

A simple canoe's job is literally just to go with the flow. While this may be satisfactory for some, it is not for the motorboat. The motorboat breaks away from the flow. In fact, it even creates its own flow behind it, forging a new path. We shouldn't settle for just going with the flow. We should all strive to find the motorboats within our souls and take them out for a ride. A clownfish and a royal blue tang both float aside the boat, admiring its power and beauty. These small fish may often get caught in the flows and tides of life, without the ability to find their inner motorboats. When this is the case, it is obvious the best thing for them to do is to just keep swimming. Though they may not be able to forge their own paths, they are still putting in their best effort which is very admirable. Maybe someday - assuming they just keep swimming - there will be a feature film about these two brave fishies. Who knows, perhaps the same will eventually happen to us.

It's Like Golf.

"It's like golf!" Says the man who has never played a minute of golf in his life. Golf is almost always pegged as the iconic game that you want the least amount of points in. Why does everything get to be compared to golf when there are far better games out there where lowest points win? Uno, track running, race car driving, credit card debt, mini golf - the list goes on and on. The reason golf is used as an example for this is very simple. Life isn't fair. Despite mini golf being infinitely better than golf, no one compares Uno to mini golf when explaining it to a newcomer. As tragic as this is, it must be accepted and moved on from. We encounter unfairness everyday of our lives, so my challenge to you is to treat everyone you meet fairly. Be the difference - however small it may be - that you want to see in the world.

It's the Climb

In life, we often complain about things. Whether it be about the type of food for dinner, silly bands getting banned, or anything really, it often holds true that complaining is not necessary. Often when one complains, it is blown out of proportion. As we are inconvenienced, we should not let it ruin our whole day and the days of those around us. Be strong. Be happy. This bike is clearly very happy. It realizes that although the top of the hill is it's end goal, the ride up is just as - if not more - important. We shouldn't let minor inconveniences ruin our climb up our own personal hills. As pop legend Hannah Montana once said, "It's the climb."

Speed of Flowing Time

Time. Responsible for all things. Without it we cease to exist. With it comes pain and eventual death. However, it also brings happiness and joy. If we do not take both into account, we are bound to be disappointed at some point. The man in the picture above was jaywalking. He was practically a criminal. Is he about to get what he deserves? Time thinks so. The fear in his face makes it clear he did not understand the concept of time. He tried to cheat time by not walking down to the crosswalk. Don't be like this dude - manage and spend your time wisely.

You Reap What You Sow

The tractor. A wonderful tool used on every farm. It's like a car's beefier older brother. Even just saying the word you feel a sense of power that permeates through your veins. Tractor...  In this case the tractor is brand new with no visible wear. This and the fact that there are only two stalks of corn should make it very obvious that this is taking place during the New Deal, trying to remedy the Great Depression. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 lowered the surplus of crops to re-stabilize the prices thereof. The ground is also visibly distraught, likely caused by the dust bowl. Thanks to the AAA, the farmer of this land must have earned enough to buy a new tractor and continue his passion of farming. Many were not so lucky and had their land mortgaged so the overall message here is to not take what you have for granted. Make a list of things you are grateful for and thank others when they help you. Go out of your way to make someone else's day just a lit...

Scribble Draft Finished!

Here is a sneak peek for what I will be posting tomorrow! It is quite a process to create these scribbles, but it is well worth it. Drafting it out is the final step before the scribbling itself, so that should be posted here tomorrow. Stay tuned!

A Lawnmower's Purpose

The very first scribble. Some would say the most important scribble of all. Simple, yet clear in motive and direction. My aim here was to create a stunning piece reflecting the woes of traditional society. The absence of a person controlling the lawn mower exemplifies the autonomy our society is trending towards. The grass behind the mower is shorter because it has already been cut. The purpose of a lawn mower is to mow lawns. This one is doing just that. This scene could very well be in a future society where inanimate objects are free to do what they want - what their purpose in life is. If there is anything I would want you to gain from this scene, it is to get up and find your purpose. Do what makes you happy, not what other people say will.