Find Your Inner Motorboat

A simple canoe's job is literally just to go with the flow. While this may be satisfactory for some, it is not for the motorboat. The motorboat breaks away from the flow. In fact, it even creates its own flow behind it, forging a new path. We shouldn't settle for just going with the flow. We should all strive to find the motorboats within our souls and take them out for a ride. A clownfish and a royal blue tang both float aside the boat, admiring its power and beauty. These small fish may often get caught in the flows and tides of life, without the ability to find their inner motorboats. When this is the case, it is obvious the best thing for them to do is to just keep swimming. Though they may not be able to forge their own paths, they are still putting in their best effort which is very admirable. Maybe someday - assuming they just keep swimming - there will be a feature film about these two brave fishies. Who knows, perhaps the same will eventually happen to us.


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