It's the Climb

In life, we often complain about things. Whether it be about the type of food for dinner, silly bands getting banned, or anything really, it often holds true that complaining is not necessary. Often when one complains, it is blown out of proportion. As we are inconvenienced, we should not let it ruin our whole day and the days of those around us. Be strong. Be happy. This bike is clearly very happy. It realizes that although the top of the hill is it's end goal, the ride up is just as - if not more - important. We shouldn't let minor inconveniences ruin our climb up our own personal hills. As pop legend Hannah Montana once said, "It's the climb."


  1. This says a lot about society.
    And yet,
    bottom text

  2. youre art inspires me, their is an ineffable quality to each work


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