It's Like Golf.

"It's like golf!" Says the man who has never played a minute of golf in his life. Golf is almost always pegged as the iconic game that you want the least amount of points in. Why does everything get to be compared to golf when there are far better games out there where lowest points win? Uno, track running, race car driving, credit card debt, mini golf - the list goes on and on. The reason golf is used as an example for this is very simple. Life isn't fair. Despite mini golf being infinitely better than golf, no one compares Uno to mini golf when explaining it to a newcomer. As tragic as this is, it must be accepted and moved on from. We encounter unfairness everyday of our lives, so my challenge to you is to treat everyone you meet fairly. Be the difference - however small it may be - that you want to see in the world.


  1. Goodness gracious you amaze! Love this.

  2. What about the mighty golf cart, that labors day in and day out carrying people from hole to hole, while being fed the decomposed remains of animals that died millions of years ago.... This majestic creature makes golf an iconic game, you don't see any of these bad boys in miniature golf or UNO! If we are to get something out of this, it's that although not everything in life is perceived as fair like the superiority of golf, there are always hidden factors that are ignored and not even considered like the golf kart, this is the true unfairness of life - ignorance.


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