The Bonsai in Your Heart

The word Bonsai is made up of the two characters "Bon" and "Sai". This directly translates to "a tree which is planted in a shallow container". However, there is much more to the art of Bonsai. It requires immense patience and very fine precision. For many, it takes a complete lifestyle change to provide enough support for the little Bonsai to thrive in its shallow bowl. Many are not cut out for this lifestyle, as it is not an easy thing to do. It is not a one and done sort of situation either. It requires constant close care. Most importantly, it requires love. Without love the bonsai will never achieve its full potential. Humans are much the same way. We yearn for love and life is hard when it isn't present. Help those around you thrive by spreading love and chill vibes this valentines day. Make the bonsai in the hearts of those around you flourish and stand tall (but not too tall, its still a bonsai).


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