Will it Blend?

The age old question: will it blend? Many objects in this universe will in fact blend. The blender doesn't care what is put inside, all it knows is to try its best to blend that object to a fine, indistinguishable powder or mush. The reason it doesn't decide if it wants to blend something beforehand because it has no conscience. Every human has a conscience, but it can sometimes be confusing or difficult to identify. This can be seen in the feature film Finding Nemo. At one point in this movie, Dory incorrectly identifies Marlin as her conscience. Marlin decides to roll (or swim) with it and tells her they haven't spoken in a while. I only now understand that line after many hours of scribbling. The lesson here is to try to listen to your conscience as you go throughout your day, don't ignore it like Dory.


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